Youth Practice is intended for 4k- 5th graders (and a backup practice for middle schoolers). Wrestlers will be assigned to a team color based on skill level.
White- True beginner, younger kids,
Light Blue- Advanced beginner
Navy Blue- Advanced
Silver- Elite
Practices will be in Nichols gym from 6:00 to 7:45 (or 8:00) pm.
White practice will be on Tuesdays.
Light Blue will be on Thursdays.
Navy and Silver practices will be on Monday and Wednesdays.
NAVY and SILVER will practice in the same gym at the same time. We want kids to try to make the jump from NAVY to SILVER during the season.
We are very lenient about who wrestles at which practices, and we leave it up to you to decide. But, if you have questions, we're here to help. Just ask. Wrestlers are welcome to change groups as they progress, or attend other practices as they are comfortable doing so.
Also, there will be kids wrestling in multiple different practices or transitioning from one practice to another throughout the season. For instance:
--Kids eager to improve might wrestle in the WHITE *and* the LIGHT BLUE practice.
--Kids may start in the LIGHT BLUE, and as they improve, add in one NAVY practice per week as well.
--Kids could simply move up from the WHITE to the LIGHT BLUE during the season.
--Kids in our NAVY practice should strive to move up to our SILVER, by the end of the season. That transition is by design.